Inc Domains

A Webflow website redesign and SEO apps development project. A complex, challenging and great project where I learned lots on digital marketing and SEO.


Inc Domains is a domain retailer with the extension .inc that has been growing for a couple of years and has stablished by offering high quality domains to power your business. This project started as a Webflow CMS developer and evolved into a Full Stack Developer with Webflow due to the client needs on developing a custom Marketing Management System to track customers clicks and sales, and power marketing campaigns.

JavaScript / TypeScript
Node / Express
Problem Solving
React / Next

The Solution

As a team of 3 people, 2 Full Stack Devs with Webflow and a Product Manager, we took the project on from the beginning. In this way, we designed the new look of the website and the structure of the pages to display, with the business goals in mind. Then we entered into the development face and with the help of JavaScript we expanded the limitations of Webflow as a CMS and added tons of interactions and functionality.

Design face

In this face I had the task to redesign the whole website and match it with the new brand look. I used Figma as the tool to design and strategise the website, creating several diagrams and wireframes, and once all was looking good jumping int o final design and responsiveness.

Development face

Between my partner and I we developed the website using Webflow CMS as the no-code development tool. This was required by the client as they wanted to be able to maintain their website in the future in a low level. But soon we encountered the need to use some JavaScript code to expand the limitations of Webflow.

In order to add JavaScript to manage the DOM and add custom functionality we created a static files server hosted under a subdomain in AWS. This allowed us to import this files via script tags and use the full power of JavaScript in the browser.

SEO apps

From the marketing team there where several ideas to create small applications to leverage the organic SEO and use these opportunities to drive some sales. We designed and developed a User Name Checker, Mentions Checker and a Domain Checker. The first 2 apps checked in Social Media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc and returned results on user name availability and mentions so the user could ensure the same name in all platforms and see al mentions in all platforms at one glans to protect their brand.

Project images

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